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Cosmetic bottle containers with green herbal leaves, Blank label for branding mock-up, Natural beauty product concept, Flat lay on color background.

There are dozens upon dozens of anti-aging skin care products to choose from, and it’s often difficult to determine the right product for your skin type. When making your decision, it’s best to ignore any fancy packaging and instead focus on the ingredients list. Dermatologists recommend avoiding certain ingredients, such as sodium lauryl sulfate and parabens.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

Sodium lauryl sulfate is a surfactant found in many personal care and beauty products, including anti-aging facial cleansers and foundations. Sodium lauryl sulfate is considered safe by the U.S. FDA, as long as it’s used briefly and then rinsed from the skin. But what about beauty products intended to stay on the skin, like foundation? Skin irritation is one possible side effect of prolonged exposure to this chemical. It’s also thought to be linked to acne, especially cystic acne.


Parabens are a preservative commonly used in beauty products such as moisturizers and makeup. Some studies link exposure to parabens to an increased risk of breast cancer and skin cancer, although the FDA has not ruled that parabens are harmful. The European Commission’s Scientific Committee on Consumer Products state that certain parabens may adversely affect the endocrine system, and increase the risk of reproductive and developmental disorders. Because of these risks, some dermatologists recommend looking for paraben-free anti-aging skin care products.

Unspecified Fragrances

Fragrances aren’t automatically harmful to you or your skin. However, dermatologists recommend avoiding products with them because fragrances are considered to be a trade secret. This means that anti-aging product companies don’t need to disclose the exact components of a fragrance. It’s possible that those unspecified ingredients may be harmful to you or your skin. In some cases, unspecified ingredients may even cause an allergic reaction.

Get skin care products you can trust at Swinyer-Woseth Dermatology. Our dermatologist-recommended anti-aging skin care products are available in Salt Lake City. If you’d like to schedule an appointment for a skin evaluation and personalized recommendations, you can call our office at 801-266-8841.