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Juvederm XC Filler

When you age, you will almost surely experience lines and wrinkles, especially around your nose, mouth, and eyes. While taking good care of your skin can certainly prevent the lines for a few years, they are ultimately inevitable. At Swinyer-Woseth Dermatology in Salt Lake City and South Jordan, we offer Juvederm XC, a natural face filler that takes years off of your visage. It is safe, works instantly, and is free of toxins. Each treatment will see instant results that will simply enhance your appearance—not make you look like someone you are not. The treatment consists of injections of the gel filler into the targeted areas. It’s a fast treatment that allows you to go in and out of your dermatologist’s office during your lunch break with virtually no downtime. Get in touch with us today for an effective and reliable natural face filler treatment such as Juvederm XC.

woman with freckles smiling

What Is Juvederm XC?

Juvederm XC is a gel filler that is used to instantly smooth away wrinkles around your mouth and nose; it is safe and has minimal discomfort. With just one treatment, you’ll get natural-looking results that can last up to a year or more. It can effectively smooth away wrinkles around both the mouth and nose, giving you a more refreshed and youthful appearance. At Swinyer-Woseth Dermatology, we are able to offer you Juvederm XC and can help you reverse the signs of aging with this revolutionary procedure. Juvederm XC is manufactured using Hylacross technology and is infused with lidocaine to improve comfort during treatment.

Where Can I Use Juvederm XC?

Patients get the most results when they use Juvederm on their cheeks, lines, wrinkles, and lips. They can create more volume in your face, lessening the appearance of line lines, folds, and sunkenness. This injectable gel removes moderate to severe lines and wrinkles, especially the “parentheses lines” around the nose and mouth. The changes are subtle, but make a difference and can last for up to a year.

What Kind of Results Can I Expect?

You can expect great results after only one treatment. The amazing results are long lasting and can last for up to one year or more. If you are afraid that the results will be too dramatic or make you unrecognizable, rest assured that you will look like yourself—except younger and less tired. What’s not to like about that? The results are safe and not overly dramatic, leaving you looking natural and you-like.

Additional Information

Thanks to great technology, you won’t have to guess what you’ll look like with Juvederm XC. There is now an iPhone/iPad app that will help you visualize how Juvederm XC can smooth away your wrinkles and folds.

Download the JUVEDERM app (by Allergan, Inc.) and give it a try. For more information, please visit

For more information on Juvederm XC treatment and whether it may the appropriate option for your needs and goals, contact our Salt Lake City or South Jordan dermatology office and speak with our friendly and knowledgeable staff!

Schedule Your Appointment Today!