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Cropped portrait of a beautiful young woman applying moisturizer to her skin in the bathroom at home

There are many anti-aging treatments that your dermatologist can provide to dramatically reduce the signs of aging, but when it comes to premature skin aging, prevention is even better. Although you can’t stop the march of time, you can take steps to reduce the chances of premature aging and slow down the progression of fine lines and wrinkles. Try these easy skin care strategies to preserve your youthful complexion.

Wear Sunscreen Every Day

The sun is the biggest culprit behind premature skin aging. It can damage the collagen and elastin in your skin, which in turn causes fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging to occur. It can also cause discolorations that make your skin look dull and sallow. Wearing sunscreen every day, no matter the season or how much time you think you will be spending outside is one of the best ways to reduce skin aging. As an added benefit, wearing sunscreen will also help to reduce your risk of skin cancer.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Eating a healthy diet will give you the nutrients necessary to maintain healthy, youthful skin. Get plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet, and avoid excessive sugar and processed foods. Cutting back on alcohol and staying hydrated with adequate amounts of water will also support your skin health.

Follow a Healthy Skin Care Regimen

Wash your skin daily with a gentle cleaner that is appropriate for your skin type. Avoid harsh scrubbing, which will irritate your skin. Choose a moisturizer that is right for your skin type and use it daily. Don’t use any products that burn when you apply them. Your dermatologist can help you devise a skin care regimen that is that right for your needs.

Find out more about skin care by making an appointment at Swinyer-Woseth Dermatology. We can help you make the best choices for skin care for your specific skin type and offer anti-aging treatments to help you look and feel your best. Call 801-266-8841 to make an appointment with a dermatologist in Salt Lake City.