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Skin Care Routine Tips From Specialists In South Jordan

Fall is filled with fun holidays and traditions. The crispness of the air, warm apple cider, Halloween, Thanksgiving and festivals are all events and traditions to look forward to. As temperatures and humidity begin to lower, you start to make some adjustments in your wardrobe to find that warm, cozy feel. Your skincare routine is also something that should change from season to season. You probably changed your skincare regimen when spring turned to summer and began focusing on protective products for being in the sun. It’s now time to think about how you should adjust your routine to provide moisturizing protection during this dryer, cooler season.


Some simple swaps to make your skincare routine more fall friendly


  1. Switch from a gel or foam cleanser to a creamy cleanser

While summer heat increases oils in skin, the dryer air of fall can cause your skin to dry out, too. Gel and foam-based cleansers are designed to remove oils and can become too harsh during the fall. A creamier cleanser is designed to protect the oils and create a healthy barrier that will leave your skin hydrated.


  1. Drop chemical exfoliants in favor of a hyaluronic acid serum

Thicker hyaluronic acid-based serum can help lock in moisture as opposed to the lighter water-based serums that you may use in the summer. You may still prefer the benefits of an exfoliant for anti-aging benefits. If that is the case, you should look for a gentle exfoliant that has ingredients, such as retinols and hydroxy acid, and use them less frequently to support your skin’s health.


  1. Level up to a richer moisturizer

With the decrease in humidity it becomes more important to use a richer moisturizer that will help lock in your skin’s moisture. Cream based (vs water based) moisturizers have more oil content and will help to provide that barrier of protection that your skin needs for protection from harsher, dryer air.


  1. Switch from drying toners to hydrating toners

If you are choosing to use a toner, your skin will thank you for choosing hydrating and soothing ingredients. Stay away from alcohol that will dry out your skin. Instead, look for a toner with a blend of lipids, naicinamide, and stabilized vitamin C to deeply hydrate and brighten skin.


Make some additions as well


  1. Hydrating additions like a moisturizing mask, lip moisturizer, and eye cream.


During the transition of seasons, hydrate and coat your skin with essential oils, serums, and creams. Moisturizing products will help protect your lips and eyes as your skin adjusts to the changes it faces.


  1. Add vitamin C


Vitamin C will help block SPF rays not blocked by your sunscreen. It will also prevent skin pigmentation, allowing collagen production and resulting in a brighter, glowing complexion.


  1. Use a humidifier


Adding moisture to the air adds moisture to your skin. Use a humidifier and increase the health of your skin!


  1. Don’t drop the sunscreen


Sunscreen is a year-long must! Colder temps do not mean that UV rays have disappeared! Continue using a sunscreen with an SPF or 30 or higher to keep with your skincare regimen.


Swinyer Woseth Dermatology is here to support you and the health of your skin! Contact us for help caring for your skin, no matter the season.

Call our office at 801-682-4715 to speak with a friendly, helpful representative and schedule with one of our friendly dermatologists today!